Archive for February 2020

Another Intention Post   Leave a comment

Intention burning a hole


Warning, this is not a blog post. This is a sermon. This is a revelation. This is a moment that will resonate with your very being. It is intentional and purposeful.

You are 1. To be more specific, you are the sum parts of 1, much like .5768320 makes up the number 1. Why is this important? Its relevance is important because of what is about to be shared. Everything in this Universe is connected. You, who are reading this, are composed of star materials (ie carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, etc.). Without the death of a star, billions of years ago, there would be no chemical materials for our Sun and the planets to form. For those who are Creationists, I do not know what to tell you, science has factually proven that Earth is older than 6000 years. Moving forward we have you, composed of the stars and self-aware, but aware of what? You think, perceive, and experience a world that is and is not “real”. Everything you know you have either been taught by others who have perceived things similar to yourself, or it is engrained in you DNA as a biological save record of your existence. You are aware you are .5768320, but not that you are 1.

This thinking is both the unique blessing and curse of existence. As part of the 1 you maintain and possess a portion of the power and ability of 1. Everything that composes 1 is also what composes you. You are not .65784, but both of you are intimately connected behind the “point” of existence. This can be proven by looking at the chemical and anatomical structure of anything. This means that your “will” is just as potent and powerful as the 1. Now this is where things become tricky.

You are part of the 1, you possess the abilities and potential of the 1, but you are not 1 (absolute and whole). This is where intention and the Universe wait with baited breath. The universe being connected to you will respond to your will or intention. It is a part of you so it will react, no different than your arm reacts when you have to go to the bathroom. Your intention or “faith” catalysis the Universe into becoming what you envision, good and bad. The Universe does not care about good or evil, it cares only about purpose and intent. Your actions and beliefs only exist within these parameters.

Now that we have established a foundation, let’s explore what is being built. You have created for your existence everything. Your choices and intentions have manifested every aspect of your life. Some would argue this began at your first moment of awareness. Honestly where it started, is as important as the origin of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs is to them. The point is you have the gift of Creation, burning inside you, ever present and purposeful. You are part of the 1. If you want to make art, you make it. Food, love, war, waste, everything that you can conceive and some things you cannot consciously (sub consciousness and intention is another topic). We are pure intention from birth until death, constantly moving from potential to kinetic, without external catalyst (ie aliens did not wake you up this morning). Knowing this the first question is usually, “well how do I use this ability?” The reality is you already have been using it. The better question is “how do I use it more effectively?”

 You have in your life created every fired job, every bad date, and every bad day. These moments were created and shaped by you to provide texture to an otherwise gray existence.  Remember you are part of the 1. It has and will be about you. Your choices will determine the Universe’s fate much like the very cells in our bodies determine our lives. This intention, this purposefulness can be beneficial or it can be destructive. More so even when we attempt to make it beneficial it can become more destructive. Why is that? Well much like the Sun, 93 million miles away, focused through a microscope can burn a hole so to can your focus destroy what you are trying to achieve. Look at the plant, too much of anything can kill it. It needs water but too much and it dies. It needs Sunlight to make food but too much and it withers. Too much focus on anything will inevitably destroy it, because the Universe, much like our bodies is in a constant dichotomous state. We are creating new cells, while destroying old cells and materials.  The Universe recognizes your focus, then it in turn begins to focus on what you are focusing on and that 93 million miles away Sun just got about 50 million miles closer. Thinking about that for a moment, I’m sure you could imagine the catastrophe waiting to occur. It is the same in our lives. We focus so much on school that it damages our psyches. We focus so much on relationships, which then fail. It’s not the “focus” that is the problem; it is our intention upon said “focus”. Having faith can create a skyscraper, but too much focus and the skyscraper can destroy your relationships, friendships, physical, and mental health.

So how does someone gain control of their intention and focus? They don’t. Gaining control is the exact reason the destruction is occurring. It is someone who is constantly changing, in a Universe constantly changing, trying to keep something from changing. That is the very definition of futility. To ease the suffering, learn to let go. Decrease the intention and give the focus some “dark time” to grow and mature. There is an old saying “a watched pot never boils.” Actually it does, but the point is focusing too much on something will not get the result you want or need. You can manifest anything, including that things destruction. Remember you are part of the 1.

Posted February 11, 2020 by Dr. Robert Morse, Psy.D., B.C.C. in Uncategorized